Server administration

To minimize the risk of your business losing data to hacks and breaches, it’s crucial to ensure that your web server is set up as securely as possible. If your server security is compromised, it could result in anything from spam advert injections on a company website, to user data being intercepted and stolen from form submissions.
Web servers are one of the most targeted parts of an organization’s network, because of the sensitive data that they typically host. As a result, it’s important that as well as securing web applications and your wider network, you take thorough measures to secure the web servers themselves.
Some of the most popular options for web server software include Apache, LiteSpeed, IIS, Nginx, and Lighttpd. It’s also possible to use ‘virtual servers’, or virtual web hosting services, to run multiple servers from a single computer., Different types of web server will meet different user needs, but all are typically compatible with major operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and macOS.
Your business’s cybersecurity is only as strong as its weakest link. Along with regular training for system administrators and IT professionals to ensure knowledge is up to date with the latest threats, all entry points into your network must be protected and secured with professional endpoint protection.
Apache Web Server
Apache Web Server

Apache is open-source and, with a 37.4% share of the market (June 2020), is generally regarded as the most popular web server in the world.  It supports Linux, Unix, Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu, and other operating systems, and can be easily customized thanks to its modular structure.

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DoS and DDoS Attacks
DoS and DDoS Attacks

Denial of Service attacks and Distributed Denial of Service attacks are techniques cybercriminals will use to overwhelm your servers with traffic until they become unresponsive, rendering your website or network unusable.

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